A well of grief, a new beginning
Gift of kindness can be among life’s sweetest surprises
Reframing a challenge can open our eyes to opportunity
Brother’s bold decision is a lesson in courage and faith
These journeys of surrender reap unexpected rewards
Like any great pursuit this relationship was impelled by joy
This dream takes off on wings of precious support
Mallorca was a gift I gave to myself
A mother’s love and freedom are beautiful things
Friends are reflections of life we’ve lived and ways we’ve loved
This past is a teacher I meet with gratitude
The spirit of the holidays looms large
The best gifts for kids are intangible
Friend’s happy news prompts reflections on marriage
This practice will make 2011 a banner year
Rituals can powerfully mark events of our lives
Anniversary a poignant reminder: cherish loved ones now
Courage at its mightiest can be an act of faith
Kinship of community can be vital to our lives
A father’s suffering inspires new, deeper way to love
Some dreams are a calling that won’t be denied
This beginning is a sweet, synchronistic surprise
A legacy of gentle love and kindness
Even great loss holds within it a sweeter seed
The power of genuine gratitude for another’s good fortune
This unexpected view is somehow still perfect
A bright note bridges an ocean of broken dreams
Love often waits for a life lit up from within
This lesson from 9/11 inspires hope and healing
Threads from past prompt another chance for healing
Wild adventure an exercise in facing fear
Love still lingers with some failed friendships
Big question leads to no easy answers
This holiday season promises to be bittersweet
Sparkly gift is a timely and loving reminder
These dreams surprise when they finally come true
There’s always a season for kindness
Concert tickets a bold step in charting new freedom
Celebration of new life is also a celebration of love
Special birthday prompts a visit to the past
When love gives you wings don’t be afraid to fly
An occasion to practice the art of receiving
Renewing these commitments makes life more meaningful
This love will linger in the empty space it filled
In the pursuit of one’s purpose let joy be a guide
Special occasion reinforces the blessing of family
From dashed hopes, a brighter dream stirs
A Father’s Day fraught with the precious and painful
From a dream deferred comes a bright new start
Risking compassion, openness reaps more than connection
Bracing for change is an act of faith and trust
True romance comes from growth along the journey
Uncomfortable truth gives way to a shifting perspective
Joyous journey promises healing, too
An extravagance of beauty blows the heart wide open
This goodbye is one I never wanted to say
Borrowed memories bring a father back to life
Gratitude has a place even among the grieving
The surest sign of love is one that lights up the dark
In giving and sharing, gift of healing shines
Well of sorrow is never deeper than the well of joy
A new year means time for a new vision
To be seen is to feel the purest of love
Friendships are deepened from a raw and honest place
A place still remains for those who have come and gone
Choosing to love is to risk loss at every turn
These small moments are a blessing and a balm
Spring inspires blossoming thoughts of love
Through the static, a sign of hope emerges
This vocation keeps me tending seeds of hope
Familiar struggle unearths hard questions, deep hurts
Building community starts with knowing our neighbors
A Father’s Day tribute of hope and inspiration
What we carry can be as crucial as what we put down
Family vacation remains a treasured gift of time
Yes, we are meant to be no matter what happens next
In praise of real beauty and the women who embody it
Big change inspires memories of even bigger adjustment
Following the heart leads to sweet, if shaky, reunion
This happy place is filled with memories and renewal
Love looms, and even grows, in this still-fresh absence
This kind of breakup is always awkward to do
These patterns date back further than my own past
This fan has an abiding love for an artist who inspires
Preserving family favorites creates new expression of love
Vacationing in paradise feels like next-best thing to home
Motherhood is optional but this love feels very necessary
To let go with love is sometimes the hardest goodbye
These New York moments bring me back to myself
Path to happiness is paved with pleasures, large and small
It’s time to prioritize this expression of gratitude
Championing this dream begins with reframing resistance
In praise of birthdays, even when their promise is bittersweet
Friendship is love beyond what separates on the surface
Maybe it’s not about moving on but moving with our grief
When a decision is right, life expands with joy and ease
Fear can be an ally in facing change and charting new paths
This Father’s Day, these men give plenty of reason for gratitude
Falling in love with myself has meant falling in love with the world
Sometimes saying ‘I love you’ is sharing a riotous laugh
These branches of love have offered shelter and joy
New experience dating is an exercise in appreciation
Friend’s first retreat a precious blossoming dream
Family vacation to Nashville my favorite of all time
Celebration of beauty no match for what shines within
Moving on forces choice of what we’re ready to leave behind
The path to adoration is filled with self-love
In these matters joy and sorrow can be surprise guests
Changing seasons bring gift of rest and introspection
Maybe there’s more than love waiting to fill this space
This holiday season I’ll savor these moments the most
This new year is time for a fresh beginning